Feature Matrix

Last updated on the 4th of March 2024

  Free Account Blue Account Shadow Account
  Generally available Estimated for 2025 Estimated for 2025
Account management
Multi-Factor Authentication
Maximum concurrent sessions 1 5 5
Easy login on secondary device Estimated for 2025 Estimated for 2025 Estimated for 2025
Cryptography and data security
4096 bit RSA-OAEP-SHA256 asymmetric encryption
256 bit AES-GCM symmetric encryption
4096 bit RSA-PSS-SHA256 signatures
PBKDF2-SHA512 with 250000 iterations key derivation
1024 bit symmetric Threefish encryption2
Payments and KYC
Debit/Credit card payments
Bank transfer
Direct debit
Contact management and social features
Account nickname
Account avatar
Random numeric contact invite codes
Vanity contact invite codes
Presence (online/offline)
Secure storage
Estimated availability Estimated for 2025
File and folder count quota 1.000 5 Million 100.000
Individual file size quota 20 MiB 10 GiB - 50 GiB 100 MiB
Total storage quota 20 GiB 250 GiB - 4 TiB 50 GiB
Local folder sync2
File transfers
Maximum file size 8 MiB1 10 GiB - 50 GiB 50 MiB1
Retention policy 10 days 90 days 90 days
Maximum active addresses 3 20 20
Personalized address expiration
Random numeric addresses
Vanity addresses
Instant messaging
Estimated availability Estimated for 2025
Direct chats
Group chats (as group owner) Up to 8 members Up to 12 members Up to 8 members
Chat history and search2 1 year Unlimited Unlimited
Chat media embedding Estimated for 2025 Estimated for 2025 Estimated for 2025
Real-time signaling and notifications
Real-time signaling and event-driven UI
Desktop notifications Estimated for 2025 Estimated for 2025 Estimated for 2025
Push and Web notifications Estimated for 2025
External notifications (email, webhooks, integrations) Estimated for 2025
Local agents
Estimated availability Estimated for 2025
Windows, Linux and MacOS support
Large file support Download only
Malware scan
Cryptographic hardware support
Estimated availability Estimated for 2025
TPM support2

1 Downloading received files exceeding 80MiB requires running a local agent
2 Requires running a local agent

Unit scaling: 1 MiB = 1.048.576 bytes; 1 GiB = 1.024 MiB = 1.073.741.824 bytes; 1 TiB = 1.024 GiB = 1.099.511.627.776 bytes.

The estimations on this page do not represent a contractual commitment and are not legally binding.